My little wild baby girl...
Haddassah Life... That's my 17 month old daughter she is alot like me (so pray for her :) ) ....
She is so full of life and adventure... she has eyes to see and sometimes ears to hear...
I dreamed of her even when I was little. Dreamed that I would have a little girl to love, and to teach, and to laugh with, and to be loved by!
When she was growing, being formed by the God of this universe, inside of me, I prayed for the wisdom and the heart to train her and teach her those things that are most important in this life. The things that would help her to handle this world and all that comes with it. The truth is that Jesus had been teaching me this already, for a long time. He started to teach me the day I was born on this earth, and the day that I gave my life to Him.
As a mother we hear so many things that we must do, that we have to do, that "they" say is kind and right as a parent. And as parents we have the temptation to feel that we must "learn" our kids every little thing that they will know in this life... But some where along the way we lost something... not that I know the answer! As I look and look for the answer and as I rack my brain to find it and search to and fro...
I have found only one long term solution, not to say there will not be bumps in the road witch will break our hearts as mommy's and as daddy's, but in the end will all turn out good??
Jesus said, " Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and all these things will be added on to you!"
In proverbs it says to train a child in the way that he should go and when he is OLD he will not depart from it. (brit's paraphrase)
All that I could hope for Hadassah and all my children, is that they have a close and personal relationship with Jesus.
So... teach them about Him, teach them His word, and in my own life truly seek first the Kingdom and all these things will be added....The moment that I pulled you on to my chest
that was the moment I knew there was no one like you
that was the moment that I knew Jesus loved me
and that His forgiveness never fails, and that He is truly faithful even when I am not
You were the most beautiful thing I had yet seen
that moment was a moment that I never wanted to end
The day you called me mommy was a day I had longed for for a long time
when those blue eyes looked at me and wanted no one else
that was a day I never wanted to end
When you laugh, when you cry, when you sleep, when you run, when you play
I fall more and more in love with you
and I begin to understand why Jesus was sent by our loving God to come and die for me
Thank you Jesus for my daughter
direct her paths
all her days...
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