Right Now...

A to do list that does not seem to end.
Getting settled in a 26 foot camper with 3 kids.
Getting the cat, Rouge, use to the camper so she does not run away.
Haddie has some really bad cavities out of no where. :/
Get a good dentist that is not weird and horrible  like the one we went to this week already, and get those fixed ASAP!
Decorate the camper to feel like...home?
Wedding/photo season.Book.Edit.Babysitters.Work hard.fun.No sleep.Stress.
Try not to freak out.
Draw in closer to the Lord.
Trust Him with all my worries and fears and all that I cannot understand, which is a lot right now!
I want to go to the ends of the earth and and shout that Jesus is here. He loves and sits at the right hand of the Father. He is Lord. He is ALVE!

Truth is I don't understand why He would have us build a house. I thought we would be in the bush of Africa by now. I thought we would have had all our babies there. I thought we would have a school full of orphans and telling all the lost about Jesus.
There is a lot that I don't understand and did not understand about life. I am sure that Abraham did not understand why he had to take Isaac to the alter. There are lots of things that this little heart longs for and longs to do. The problem is that my body cannot keep up. I know that Jesus works things out for my good. I am tired in my bones and I am sure that He knows that. My heart does not seem to understand this.
 Well, I guess that I am a dreamer.
I dreamt of a husband that would love and understand me. Jesus gave it to me.
I dreamt of babies and a family of my own.Jesus gave it to me, even when people told me I would never get it, He knew. Even when I was in sin, He knew. Even when I was living in my car and in my friends mom's computer room, on a cot, He knew.
So when I am trying to write this little post and get my heart out a little and I have had to get up, no less then 20 times because somebody wants something! I dreamt of this and I love it!
Right now I have to focus on moving again. Moving makes you so selfish because you have so much to do for you and your own. I hate it!
I have to get through closing on our house.It got pushed back to the 10th.
We have had tons of help tho. Way more than I thought that we would have! We have been blessed by many and you know who you are! Thank you!

No matter what I will always be that crazy gurl who still loves Jesus.
Love you
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  1. i know of a good pediatric dentist if you are still looking... call me. :)


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