Easy, Fast, Healthy Meal With a Dutch Oven

You Pick:
The Meat
The Veggies
The Broth
The Spices

What You Need:
Veggie ( frozen or raw is best but you can use veggies from a can as well)
Veggie, chicken, or beef broth.
Beef or Chicken bouillon cubes are great but not needed.
Dutch Oven

The temperature is based on when you put it in the oven and when you are eating.
Put it in at: early morn 200, afternoon 350, later afternoon 400-450

This meal is great for using what you have! So go through your pantry and freezer and pick from what you have, and what you feel will go together. I like having meals that are healthy yet go with what I got, this also helps with going to the store less times a week and using what you have before you buy more.


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