Snow Day

We don't get a lot of snow here in Fort Mill, SC, thank you Jesus!! So when we do we really love it and appreciate it, because before the day is over it's gone! Just enough to sled down our hill, play, get cold enough to have hot coco and a no school snow day. That's perfect for me! I mostly grew up in Ohio and Luke grew up in Chicago, so we love our southern "snow days".  I also love how all of life slows down and we all bundle up together with no major things on the to do list.

Pic1: Coffee, Levi, and a view of the snow in the back yard.
Pic2: Judah sledding down the hill backwards. 
Pic3: Hadassah going down the steepest part of the hill.
Pic4; Luke Helping little Blue go down. 
Pic5: Hadassah stayed out as long as she could. We all went in and she was out there eating as much as she could! She loves outside no matter what it looks like! 

Hope you have a great day/ snow day!


  1. Hi Brittney...I just happened upon your blog (I'm new to the blogging world). Love the pics and your story is so sweet. I live in Fort Mill too, but am moving next week. Just wanted to say, "Hi" and send a blessing your way.

  2. so fun! y'all do have the most perfect little sledding hill in your backyard!

  3. Oh! How I love those babies!!! They truly are a joy!

  4. We have lots of snow here, but it really isn't that bad. :) We got about 9 inches the other day on top of a few other inches we already had, but it melts fast and is all plowed well.


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