The Truth About Social Media

Maybe I stand alone in this, maybe I don't, but I am going to say it anyway.
There is a beauty in sharing life togther that can both give you joy and bless you, if YOU let it.

If I make a beautiful cake, both delicious and breath taking to the eye, and I sit in a room, in a house all alone and I have no one to eat it with, that cake would not seem as beautiful in my memory or mind in years down the road or at that moment. Sure, in "reality" it is very beautiful and may taste like heaven, but we were made to share life together.

If I worked really hard, years of tears, sweat, and failures, and finally was able to run a marathon - but the streets were empty, there was not a single soul at the finish line or anyone to hug me, and cheer me on. If the sweat and ache were my only companion, what would my mind and heart feel? If there was no one to proudly stand next to me and take a picture with me to remember it, would the finish line be a victory? Yea, it would be a victory, technically, but would my mind, heart, body and soul feel that it was as much so?  No, I don't think that it would.

There is a beauty, I mean a breath taking beauty, like the kind you feel and see when you look at a mountain view with the sun setting, while you are sitting on another mountain top surrounded by the rest of the community of nature, this is the beauty and joy that can be ours when we rejoice with one another, when we are happy with one another.

I have had and still have lots of dreams. I have seen some of these dreams come true, and I have watched as some of those dreams died and will never come back. I have mourned them, I have been angry about them, but I have had to also realize that there is still life, and beautiful life, right here at my finger tips. Yet all these dreams involve sharing my life with others, even the pain is easier swallowed when shared with another.

I believe that a part of that beautiful life, which is right here at my finger tips, is with each other. We need to rejoice with each other and we need to mourn with each other. This past year has been one of the hardest of my life, that was piled on top of some of the other most hardest years of my life. But putting on my other glasses or my other filter, it was also some of the most blessed years. I had babies, I thought I would lose a baby, I didn't, I was sick and heart broken, My heart was healed and renewed, I watched my youngest daughter almost die while I was trying to get custody of my two year old niece. My daughter lived and with no long term issues and I got custody. My social media community - some I know closely, some I have never met in person, came behind me with prayer, cards, words of encouragement, love, sending nurses they knew at my hospital to pray with us and encourage us in the ICU, sending me flowers in the dark moments. This is just one example of something we went through, but you see the point. A community is what you make it, social media is what you make it, life is what you make it. Bad still happens, that's inevitable, we can still see in time perhaps, what we can learn from it, or just simply how to see the other good that we still do have.

Being a mom is hard. Being a dad is hard. Being a sister is hard. Being a brother is hard. Being a friend is hard. But often it is in the moments that are hardest that we are fighting to produce, to see, to grab hold of a great blessing; a great victory. So why not rejoice with each other!?

I love seeing your happy moments, maybe it was the only one you had that day? But I'm glad you got that one. Maybe you went on vacation because you just watched your child almost die and you felt like you might too. I am blessed that you got to do that. Maybe you are going through some of the hardest moments of your life, but you don't want to forget or let die all the beauty there is too, so you capture it and you share it, I am glad you did, it helped me to remember to do the same. Your happy moments, even if it was only a moment, inspire me.

We all have some crap pile we are standing in, we all do. Let's not sit and measure our crap piles to each other, that's just stupid. Let's cry with those crying, let's help those in need, let's freaking be happy for each other and let's bless each other. Don't fake your life, but if you find something beautiful don't be afraid of beauty- embrace it. Find the little things that are beautiful around you, even if that's your friend adopting and not you, or your friend getting married and not you. Be apart of it, bless them pour into them, become the uncle or aunt, jump in and enjoy life. The Lord made everything so very beautiful, breath takingly beautiful, so I know that finding beauty is a part of His goodness.

What we need to learn is to be inspired, not jealous. Don't be fake- live life and find the good in it. Examine your own heart and motives, don't assume that person was thinking about making you remember that their life is better than yours, I guarantee they were not thinking about you in that moment. Write your goals down, make sure they line up with God'd goals, be inspired by those around you and work hard, run after some of these things. But I will tell you this; if your only mind set is bitterness, jealousy, disgust for other's happiness, and assuming that they are trying to make you unhappy by being happy- well, you will not get far. Instead be inspired and inspire others.

I would love to see your beautiful moments! 
When you post them use #beautifulmomentsoflife 
that's, beautiful moments of life.
Let's inspire and be inspired by each other and rejoice with each other. 
Love You


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  2. I love this. Agree a million times! Shared on Facebook. I hope a ton of people join you in this. We will be!

    1. Morgan!! Thank you so much! I appreciate the support so much!! Many blessings 😘😘


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